Play Keyboard Through Computer Speakers Trying To Record Keyboard Piano Through Line In?

Trying to record keyboard piano through line in? - play keyboard through computer speakers

I have a Kurzweil SP2X my line is connected to my computer, I play my speakers, but when I try to record in Audacity, it's not record what I play. Who knows what's the problem? or what should I do? Any proposal to help.
Thank you.


imnickb said...

I have not the courage, so I do not know how I can help. But you must contact the audio stream of decisions about where and why they work. Audio comes to a computer to let you know that the keyboard and the computer receives the signal. Since the noise comes to PC speakers and not in Audacity, the problem should be somewhere in boldface. Is there somewhere a configuration menu that lets you choose to use the record? Perhaps you have Audacity is a signal of digital form? Or maybe Audacity is configured to look like something to happen in the micro?

Try this:

Open the Audacity preferences. When I switch on "audio / Y" "Playthrough" option. "Hardware Playthrough" is best if possible. If that fails, you can select "Software Playthrough" instead.

jivechop... said...

For the boldness of the main screen, the center of the toolbar at the top two knobs (shows) one for the audio signal with the small speakers and a microphone with a microphone icon. On the right side of them, it should be a drop-down menu with the default settings Wave Out Mix. Change the drop-down menu, select the line and you should do well.

Hope this helps,

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